game-changing (adj.)
Definition: Having a big effect on the conditions in an area such as business.
可以改变行业生态环境的;可以改变巅峰行业规则的 ;可以带来极大改变的;可以带来彻底改变的
New technology can create a game-changing shift in the market.
They're now one step closer to releasing a truly game-changing rock record.
We work with our clients to build game-changing applications, services, or equipment.
我们会跟客户共同研发可以颠覆行业的 App、服务和设备。
It may not be the game-changing, mind-blowing episode many fans were hoping for but it's entertaining, and it moves things forward nicely.
这一集的内容并不是粉丝们所期待的 - 很出人意料,很让人意想不到的剧情,可是它娱乐性丰富,故事流畅。
game changer (n.)
Definition: Somethig such as a product or event that affects a situation or area of business very much.
改变行业生态环境的(人、产品、发明或方法);可以改变巅峰行业规则的 (人、产品、发明或方法)
Is 5G a game changer or just overhyped?
5G 真的可以改变未来?还是吹捧过度?
HZMB is a game changer for the Greater Bay Area connectivity.
HZMB: Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge 港珠澳大桥
the Greater Bay Area: 大湾区 - 香港、澳门和另外九个广东省城市所组成的一个国家经济战略区
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